Friday, September 19, 2014

At last! They're all mine...

We wants it
We needs it
Must have the precious

Some figures stay with you. You see them in an advert and you fall in love. That's what happened to me when I first saw the Marauder Chaos Knights (officially "Mounted Chaos Warriors").

How many hours I spent looking at that advert as a child?
I wanted them so bad! They probably started my love for Marauder Miniatures. Unfortunately I never could find them as a child. In those days it was a lot more difficult getting a hold of specific figures than it is today, especially living in Canada. No internet ordering, no Ebay. My only option was visiting regularly the lone Hobby shop in Montreal and hoping they would get them in their shelves one day. They didn't. I swore one day they would be mine! And then teenage years happened and I stopped searching. When I started collecting GW figures again they were very high on my wish list. But Ebay is a cruel mistress and every damn time I had them in my grasp I was outbid or such. One time, I found them all in one lot, and I promised myself no price would be too high. I won the auction and ecstatic I was! Finally, they would be mine! The seller, with a perfect 100% rating, never sent them, never answered my inquiries, never relisted them, total silence radio. Oh, life can be so cruel!

I was back to square one, and I was starting to wonder if it was not meant to be. Maybe I was cursed to wander the earth forever, never finding those figures who had been eluding me for most of my life!

And then I found the Oldhammer Community FB page and its sister, the Oldhammer Trading group. So my very first post on the Trading group was inquiring about these knights, and if anyone could lend a helping hand. And then my patience was rewarded. Two members came to my rescue and 1 month later, I have 9 of them. And a tenth is on the way from another member. I have a complete unit! Every variant is now in my possession, including the ultra rare grinning one (you might recall I love the similar Chaos Warrior). Alleluia! Its a pretty awesome feeling finding something you've been looking for over 20 years.

One of my little childhood dream, sitting on my kitchen table

 Yes, it deserves a happy dance!

I'd love to find the shields, too, if a reader has a few lying around per chance (and I could always go for a bigger unit, if you want to sell a few knights). The hardest part will now be to paint them. They intimidate me, as I want to do them justice!


  1. Replies
    1. Merci! Tu peux écrire tes commentaires en francais si tu veux, je suis Quebecois. Je viens de jeter un coup d'oeil a ton blog Ambiance & Tactique. Old School, j'aime bien.

  2. It's always nice but daunting when you finally get your hands on ancient wish list minis.

    I'm really pleased you've found them and I can't wait to see them with a fresh paint job on them!

    1. Thanks Snickit! I'll wait a bit before painting them, I'll have to really think about how I paint them!

  3. Salut Iannick,

    Bravo, c'est vrai qu'ils ont de l'allure. Vu le travail déjà accompli sur les autres unités, c'est certain que tu vas leur honneur.

    Les archers dont je te parlais l'autre fois sont exactement ceux de Marauder que l'on trouve dans le même catalogue. Après quelques recherches, je me suis rendu compte que j'avais aussi le porte bannière avec sa faux, par le passé, mais impossible de me souvenir ce que j'en ai fait.

    En parcourant ces vieux catalogues, je me suis aussi rendu compte que j'étais l'heureux possesseur d'un truc qui doit valoir de l'or aujourd'hui, à savoir le Chaos Dwarf Tenderiser. Je suis certain de ne m'en être jamais séparé, mais où cela peut-il bien être ? Sans doute pas loin du porte enseigne No Future... Je retourne en France en août 2015... ;-)

    Quand à ton histoire d'Ebay, ça me semble être un classique. Plus tu payes cher pour obtenir un objet envers et contre tous, et plus les probabilités que l'objet ne t'arrive jamais sont élevés. Ça m'est arrivé à l'époque où j'avais décidé de reconstitué une armée complète de Tzeentch pour Epic-Space Marine. Depuis j'ai décidé de ne plus me casser la tête et de toujours passer par les achats immédiats, les affaires sont sans doute moins bonnes, mais c'est aussi beaucoup moins angoissant.

    Hâtes de voir ces chevaliers peints en tout cas!

    À bientôt.


    1. Ooh...un tenderiser. Très cool. Il m'en faut un, justement ;-)
      J'attends un peu pour les chevaliers, je veux prendre mon temps!

  4. Great post, I to have been dying to get a unit of these including that fantastic grinning warrior as well and know the frustration of trying to find them on eBay. Can't wait to see them painted!

  5. I had the exact same feeling & circumstances happen to me as a teen, except.....I decided to try the mail order route, from Australia.

    I still remember how daunting it was for me, going into a bank for the first time, to get a money order cheque. I'd never even been into a bank on my own before! I was so clueless about what to do that I went in with some mate's for moral support.

    I remember posting off the letter, wondering if I'd forgotten to write something on the letter? But my apprehension was unwarranted, for in a about a months time they arrived in my hot little hands :)

    These were -and remain- the only items that I ever ordered from overseas.....until I became a proper adult with my own money & the internet came along of course, then I ordered like crazy, but that was like 10-15 years later!

    These guys will always hold a special place in my hobby heart, because of the new, strange & intimidating experience I had as a teen to aquire them.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that their not fully painted yet either :D

    Cheers for that deja vu moment reading your post :)

    1. I missed this comment somehow! Great story, its amazing how much Warhammer shaped us all one or another. Thanks for sharing.
